Mike Cooper
Principal Researcher: Policy, strategy & practice

Areas of interest and expertise
- National education policy change and impact – especially post-16
- Teaching and learning in FE (especially in English and Maths)
- Loans in FE: policy and implementation
- Apprenticeship standards: policy and implementation
- Training and consultancy work with providers and sector bodies since 2006
- Keynote speaker
Knowledge and experience
Dedicated to FE & Skills provision for more than 36 years
- Two FE colleges: Lecturer, senior lecturer and manager (17 years)
- JMB, AEB and OCR: Examiner, moderator, examining team leader and Principal Moderator for four different AS and A Levels
- FEDA/LSDA: Regional Director for the South East
- Founder, editor and publisher of the ‘The Intelligence e–Group Despatch’
- LSN: Lead and facilitator, Policy Update Service
- CEL: Mentor and panel member, Principals’ Qualifying Programme
- LSIS: Developer and leader, Prepared for Inspection events; facilitator, Vocational Curriculum Development Projects; developer and facilitator, Advanced Learning Loans support programme
- Strategic Development Network: Writer/editor, on-line support packages for English and Maths in Apprenticeships; development/facilitation team, Future Apprenticeships support programme (with AELP)
- AELP: Lead for DfE Learning Grants project on contextualizing English and Maths in Vocational learning, and subsequently EEF-funded pilot project on the same topic (with MEI)
Selection of research & publications
- QIA, ETF, The Gazelle Group: Internal evaluation research projects
- ETF: Internal business-development research and options paper for
- Education Endowment Foundation: Teaching and Learning Toolkit – developer