Sue Blake
Principal Researcher: Quality & innovation
Areas of interest and expertise
- Project management
- Quality improvement
- Partnership working
- Coach and mentor
- Organisational change
- Network facilitation
- Workshop leader
Knowledge and experience
Dedicated to the education, learning & skills sector for over 30 years
- Learning & Skills Council: Regional and national management roles
- LSIS: West Midlands Regional Development Manager working on strategic quality improvement
- LSIS: Re-inspection support for failing providers
- AoC: Establishing of the West Midlands Quality, Improvement & Innovation network
- The Our Place programme: Relationship Manager
- ETF: Future Apprenticeships programme, Senior Facilitator
Approved consultant for
- Learning and Work Institute
- Association of Colleges (AoC)
- Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP)
Selection of research and projects
- ETF: Teach Too
- AoC: Growing Apprenticships: Building the capacity to deliver
- Learning and Work Institute: Growing Traineeships
- Traineeship Progression
- Improving the teaching of English and maths to students aged 16-19