Mike Cox
Principal Researcher: Policy & apprenticeships
Areas of interest and expertise
- Business development
- Bid management
- Work-based learning
- Policy and delivery
Knowledge and experience
Over 20 years experience in Further Education & Skills
- Future Apprenticeships programme: Design and lead
- RICS: Future talent manager – apprenticeships and skills
- AELP: Business Development Director
- ETF: Vocational Education Adviser
- Heritage Care: Head of income generation
- Learning & Skills Network: Head of business development and bid management
- RNID: Business development manager
- NWLCC: Hub manager
- UFI: Development manager
Selection of projects
- Management of large and complex multi-million pound bids as both writer and commissioner
- Setting up projects and programmes of learning to fit in with strategic objectives and funding streams
- Continuous improvement of apprenticeship delivery across FE and HE
- Reviewing organisational business objectives to meet changes in policy and practice
- Working at a strategic level to set parameters for future learning delivery
- Negotiating commercial learning programmes with large corporates including Lloyds TSB, Barclays, Central Trains, GNER, the National Trust and many public organisations including NHS and the police