Tricia Hartley
Lead adviser: Workplace & national partnerships
Areas of interest and expertise
- Policy Development in Learning and Skills
- Change Management
- Partnership Working
- Adult Learning
- Widening Participation
- English, Maths & ESOL
- Learning in the Workplace
Knowledge and experience
Over 35 years’ experience in schools, further and higher education
- Schools: English and ‘remedial’ (sic) teacher
- FE college: Middle Manager
- Local Authority: Lifelong Learning Manager
- National Lifelong Learning Charity: Chief Executive
- Basic Skills Agency: National Training Team Member
- National Training Awards: National Panel Judge
- Digital Training Start-Up: Board Member
- International Community Schools Expert Body: Trustee
- Primary School: Chair of Governors
- Keynote speaker
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- ‘Learning to Learn for Life: Examples from KS4’, with Rebecca Goodbourn et al
- ‘Success Comes in Cans: Learning Lessons for Life’, with Kriss Akabusi
- Chapter on ‘Generations of Literacy in a Bilingual Community’, in Hamilton, Barton & Ivanic (eds): ‘Worlds of Literacy‘
Selected research projects (last 5 years)
- DfE: Expert Adviser, impact evaluation of national Community Learning Trust Pilot Programme (with TNS-BRMB)
- Education & Training Foundation (ETF): Interview co-ordinator, Training Needs Analysis team (with Elizabeth Walker Associates (EWA)
- ETF: Illustrating Impact team member (EWA)
- Erasmus+: UK lead, 3-year transnational research programme on engagement of disadvantaged adult learners
- Campaign for Learning for Education Endowment Foundation: Project Director, Mind the Gap: national randomised control trial project on impact of family engagement programmes on achievement gaps in schools