Gardeners’ World: Plug-n-play planting

FE is not about getting people into jobs. Making ‘the job’ (and only a first-rung job, at that) the end of the FE rainbow is the equivalent of the 1970s careers advisor telling the boys to try the NCB and the girls to look into short-hand typing. We need to train our young people for the jobs of tomorrow – the ones that haven’t been invented yet; hell, we want our young people to be the ones to invent them. […]


Creating the conditions for success

Tomato plants

I love this photo, though you may have to look hard to clarify what you’re seeing. Because of lockdown this year, I couldn’t buy my tomato plants as usual, so I grew them all from seed. As ever with seeds, I grew too many. The six I needed were transplanted to the planter, and the others were either given away or left in their pots on the bench. They’ve all been watered the same, but as you can see, six […]