Learning Outcomes for Independent Learning

Click here for an overview of the training.
Click each provider’s name to see a detailed list of impact on staff.

Abingdon & Witney College

  • Lifted the fog.
  • I now am able to use learning outcomes (again) to benefit my learner’s learning!
    More importantly it will make a wider difference across our college as we look to improve how we use learning outcomes and plan for them on our ‘slim’ scheme of work.

Barnsley Adult Skills and Community Learning

  • This has supported me to go back to ‘thinking outside of the box’ with my planning and how I am going to support the learners to achieve what I set out for them to achieve.
  • It is like being new to teaching again, I feel more positive and focused on exciting lessons and challenges as I did feel I was in a rut and wanted to challenge this for my learners and my practice.

Bristol City Council Community Learning

  • Hadn’t thought of ‘attitude’ before. Will try to incorporate this and try new teaching techniques (even if they don’t work well at first!)
  • Changing the ‘chug along’ motor for a gleaming sleek Daimler.

Cogent Skills

  • Very informative, enjoyed the session and was engaged throughout.
  • Use of technology, such as the card sort, which can be used as an assessor tool.

Code Institute

  • Retuning a piano.
  • I feel that I have a new perspective on how to approach teaching and writing learning outcomes that better target the desired behavioural changes.

Coleg Cambria

  • When I read the preparation material I thought – oh heck, not another session on learning outcomes, but the session was much more than this.
  • The training has shone a light on the the elements of my practise I need to revisit. A cauldron bubbling with ideas and possibilities.

College of North West London

  • Like restarting to build a house after being inspired.
  • After 20 years of writing LOs this insightful session has really focused my attention on the importance of Brain, Body, Attitude LO writing, which I will share with teacher training students to stretch their thinking and to give them strategies to make a difference.

Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies

  • You know when you know you’re going to a wedding / other gathering where there is going to be a lot of extended family and you just think ‘Christ, this is going to be a painful few hours’ and then you get there and the ones you’re worried about being there aren’t there and you end up having a good time, make some new friends etc. It felt like that.
  • I have a great trepidation at the start of any of these events that it’s going to be buzzword overkill, the shilling of the latest teaching techniques scrawled on a piece of paper as the ‘trainer’ sits on the corner in a dingy bathroom trying to work out how to get out of the mess they’re in and they suddenly design a new lukewarm teaching idea that they can sell. Plus those that attend to show off how smart they are, or how much they hate teaching and want everyone to know about it. This wasn’t that. It was great and I look forward to more.

Crosby Training

  • Being a ‘learner’ and entering into a session which I was quite apprehensive about, this has given me an insight into the values of both ‘engagement’ and ‘open mindedness’ – I like to think that I applied them both…and it paid off!
  • In spite of the initial technology/access issues of a colleague, I think that the tutor coped extremely well with this. I can’t think of any negative terminology that he used – every issue was a ‘challenge’, ‘lesson’, ‘learning curve’ – and I feel that his continued positivity undoubtedly kept me engaged, despite the potential disruption and subsequent negativity that this could easily have caused.

East Coast College

  • I particularly liked the Zoom set up Tony used – especially the whiteboard interaction and break out room facilities which I haven’t used before – I felt like we were in an actual classroom – brilliant!
  • Tony Davis – always gets you thinking and questioning your practice.

JGA Group

  • I am designing a traineeship course, will use the method today to design the learning sequences.
  • Continue with the interactive, it was great to be a part of a collective thinking process, which was visual on the learning outcome builder.

JTL Training

  • In general I find it really difficult to write learning outcomes and today has helped with the colour coding and 3 steps. I also want to add in more ‘body & attitude’ learner outcomes rather than ‘brain’ as teaching English and maths has historically been this – with some ‘body’ thrown in. Using the session today will help me improve learners’ learning skills by improvement of my own outcome writing.
  • Key to unlock potential in learners through creating challenging teaching. On reflection, mine look a bit sterile and generic, being developed from the awarding body’s original statement.

Greenbank College

  • Relate learning outcomes to ‘barriers to learning’. To think of my outcomes re: verb, outcome, label – as a way to be very specific and defined. To be able to not share the outcomes with students at the beginning of the session.
  • I will now write learning outcomes for learners’ expert independent learning skills. I will use words such as ‘confidently’ in front of verbs such as demonstrate to remind myself to think about strategies to ensure they are confident and not nervously doing tasks.

Grimsby Institute

  • I will start with discussion with colleagues around how we encourage the teaching staff to use learning outcomes as a whole session approach and refrain from using lots of unnecessary aims and objectives. There is a place for these but..
  • The journey across the carpet and other metaphors were very helpful and will support the illustration of what I am trying to achieve in coaching others.


  • Changed my way of writing plans. Going to start from the result and work back.
  • I see the value of planning for attitude change rather than just skill outcomes.
  • It felt like I had a half-built wall that just toppled and I constructed it sturdier from scratch. The methods I used until now will be greatly improved by what I learned.

Hull College

  • My learning outcomes have been transformed from arpeggios to cadenzas! I’m definitely using the learning outcome builder strategy – very helpful.
  • It’s frightening how much improvement I could see in my teaching.
  • A fantastic fully immersive session, definitely plenty to think about! Left feeling like the door to the ‘box’ had been opened.

Innovative Alliance

  • The journey maybe long and winding with bumps in the road, but once you realise the bumps were there to slow you down to take in the view then the journey becomes worthwhile.
  • On reflection my thought process on learning outcomes is very similar to that taught today. The challenge for me is taking my belief and getting the team to buy in to the same approach. I am not sure I could teach this to others, yet, but can really see the benefits and the pedagogical experience grow so much for our learners once change is achieved.

Kendal College

  • A delightful boat ride on a river of learning.
  • Jaw dropping.

Lakes College

  • Outstanding experience with excellent takeaway examples to support my professional development and leadership practice. Reimagined!
  • Brilliant! Really enjoyed all aspects and would love more! I will really spend a bit more time on my learning outcomes. In particular how I cultivate more expert learners.

Leicester College

  • Absolutely fab session. Obtaining a clear colour coded structure to write effective outcomes is going to transform my planning and make it so much more efficient, just changing the verb to a skill makes so much more sense creating clearer direction to a key focus of the session.
  • The differentiation of writing outcomes that support resilience, curiosity etc will be a challenge, I can see this having a real positive outcome of my students learning journey.

Lincoln College International

  • It’s been a transformative learning journey, realizing that by crafting the right learning outcomes you can create the expert learners you wish to have in your classroom. A road map for effective teaching.
  • I’ll write my objectives and learning outcomes in a better way. Every 2 sessions, I’ll focus on one trait for expert learner in my learning outcomes. I’ll add body, and attitude learning outcomes to my lesson. Also in some of my lesson plans, I’ll add objectives that will be shown later to develop curiosity.

Mode Training

  • It changed my perception of learners’ behaviours.
  • A rollercoaster of new ideas. Meeting with head of department to discuss strategy to move forward.

Newcastle College

  • Re-evaluate the writing of learning outcomes and look at delivering a session similar to today to a selection of staff – ensuring I take coloured pens
  • Excellent session, informative. Always good to learn new knowledge and collaborate with external colleagues.

Northamptonshire County Council

  • Breathless and mind expanding! I loved Tony’s enthusiasm thoroughly grounded in the topic.
  • Will aim to include an ‘excellent learner skill’ outcome in as many sessions as possible.
  • The Brain, Mind and Body approach profoundly challenges the approach to standard induction sessions where tick boxes and Service standards for Safety, Group interaction etc have to be covered as well.

Nottingham College

  • It’s has shown me how I can break down a topic to allow my students to understand something better.
  • Learning new ideas is like turning on a light bulb!

Quest Training

  • This was a fantastic session, really useful.
  • I am booking on further courses to help open my eyes with stopping “stuff” and looking at “difference” as would really like to embed this in our company structure.


  • Climbing a tree – started off struggling to reach the branches of technology, but soon found myself able to move around from branch to branch.
  • Encouraging learners to take charge of their own learning, using evaluative language and at the end of sessions as well as recapping give learners the opportunity to critically reflect on the session outcomes, to name but a few

Skills & Education Group delegates

  • I have attended many courses and masterclasses. This was outstanding, the model for planning outcomes and the language used (What’s on the table?) have helped me to understand how to write and simplify learning outcomes. This will have a really positive impact on my students. But more importantly for me, as a teacher I can visualise that planning for my sessions will be much more efficient.
  • Writing learning outcomes can be as easy 1 (label), 2 (skill), 3, (What’s on the table)

Shipley College

  • Honestly, I thought at the beginning “how can we discuss LOs for 3.5 hours” – I have to say it went in a flash – and my brain hurt. I really had to think and work hard.
  • A charcuterie board of delicious delights. I liked the meerkat metaphor for curiosity. I liken myself to a squirrel now with bright eyes and ears pricked as I try to fill my cheeks with all the ideas.

Sparsholt College

  • I am now going to put this into my practice, ensuring every outcome has a skill, outcome and label.
  • Like a kid in a candy shop – thank you for the useful tips and lots of ideas to teach independent learning!

Southport College

  • A flagging bird given wings.
  • Inspiring session with a true reflection of the FE learning journey. Lead to Gold.
  • MOT. This has helped me sharpen my focus – I liked the stuff and difference concept and I know I’ll be considering ‘on the table’ ideas more clearly.

St Helens Adult & Community Learning

  • Driving the same route to work every day and suddenly discovering there are lots of others I could have been taking.
  • I recognise now that LOs can be longer and also a way to inform my pedagogy – I do not need to share the sane LOs with learners. Show understanding of … by … will help me to write more effective LOs – hopefully!

St Helens College

  • Adding the gravy to my pedagogical pudding and chips.
  • Dismantling the car and re-building it better.
  • My initial confidence in objective writing was exposed as being only partially formed. As a result of this session I will strive to move both learners and myself out of our comfort zones of cognitive skills development towards attitude and behaviour development too. If I really want to build learners’ independent skills then I need to consider the whole person and not just the exam focused skills.


  • The session was excellent, Tony is very knowledgeable and really made us think about improving our use of technology and planning for teaching sessions further.
  • I got more from this session than expected, Expert learning traits activity awoke my mind so will do this with students.

The Oxford Partnership (Saudi Arabia)

  • This different perspective will make a huge difference not only in the quality of my lesson plans, but I now fully understand the range of writing quality outcomes.
  • I always struggled with developing Learning outcomes for independent learning in skills sessions. Today’s session helped me realise where I went wrong. Thank you very much Tony.


  • This session has definitely made me think about the wording of my outcomes and can’t wait to amend my existing lesson plans.
  • I am now more aware of the language I can use to motivate learners and how sessions can be improved.

Warrington & Vale Royal College

  • Relook at effective lesson objectives – think aspirational and at wider Expert Learning Skills.
  • Consider the emotional learner journey revisiting the learner outcomes as a college. Learning objectives for attitudes.


  • The session challenged me beyond my comfort zone but in a way that was good for me, enabling me to consider a much wider range of teaching and learning options than what I had become used to. Tony skilfully ensured that everyone was involved without making them feel put on the spot. I now want to try out more engaging methods to support learning such as the use of wikis and also learn how to be more creative when presenting information in the style demonstrated today. I am not scared of technology but do feel as if it has overtaken me recently and I need to catch up!

Wirral Metropolitan College

  • Enlightened and ready to delve further. Very interesting particularly around behaviours which is something we have tried to focus on a lot during induction this year, and hope to continue to develop.
  • Thank you so much for yet again a very interesting and inspirational session. The comments about developing an independent learner, with transferable skills particularly resonated with me as some of our Uniformed services students are unable to enter into the military service of their choice due to certain factors but are leaving as well rounded and good citizens. Not quite independent learners but we are getting there.

York College

  • I’ve walked into a whole new way of thinking and creating lessons!
  • I feel much clearer on how I will create lessons that are suitable and appropriate for the levels of learners I teach. I am going to work on creating learning outcomes that include the attitudes and the ‘expert learner traits’ as they are often what my learners lack.


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