Perfecting Development Plan Writing

Click here for an overview of the training.
Click each provider’s name to see a detailed list of impact on staff.

Boston College

  • I found the whole day quite liberating! This was a challenging day, that enabled me to reflect on my own practice and my organisations approach to self assessment and continuous quality improvement.
  • I found the issue and symptom activity particularly useful in helping to drill down to the real problem. I also liked the ‘what does outstanding look like for our college’ discussion, especially for English and math and induction.
  • The practical resources were fantastic and certainly something we will be using further. The whole day was practical, well paced and productive. I came away feeling exhausted, but informed and motivated to apply and build on what I had learnt. Thank you!
  • I would value support from a more strategic perspective on reviewing our college SAR/QIP process. I am keen to attend the online session in October to learn more!

Bury College

  • It’s show time! We are ready to step up to the plate.
  • I really like the concept of saying to an inspector that I would like to show you the issue I had, what I did about it and the impact it has had on my learners.
  • This approach provides a framework for affective critical thinking – need to make this happen.

Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College

  • Marching through the pearly gates of development plan writing heaven.
  • My eyeballs have been spruced up a bit (window-cleaned).
  • The emotional aspect is so important to me. It impacts our students considerably & staff and I feel this was clearly acknowledged in your session.

Buxton & Leek College

  • Changed the way that I think!
  • You get that penny drop moment when you think of how effective SAR writing can have a positive impact on the quality and improvement of delivery.
  • I wish I’d have known this sooner.
  • Really informative session, the session leaves you with a lot to think about which requires time to digest.
  • It will make me stop more and consider the symptom/issue situation.
  • I will introduce more time for professional discussion and focus the team’s efforts on root cause analysis. Make sure the development plan is a priority. More focus on the digital impact of the last 18 months and IAG and induction.

City College Norwich

  • Panning for gold in SARs/QIPs.
  • Really good session and I’m reminded of the start when you said about being excited about self-assessment, I can see why! This is a great way of writing SARs and QIPs which will help develop affective targets.
  • Has made QIPs fun and useable.
  • Like finding a boring brown box but finding a wonderful surprise inside.
  • Instead of discussing the data, I will now be more enquiring and ask questions to get to the bottom of issues and devise/create logical and realistic steps to improve.

College of West Anglia

  • Inspired.
  • Allocating champions, rather than making someone responsible has the power to change the game in terms of ownership and staff buy in.
  • The group work was really useful as well as the one to one support you offered.

Grimsby Institute

  • Chomping at the bit to discuss changes.
  • How a QIP doc can be used more effectively without unnecessary additional work #keepitsimple. I really liked the concept of a celebration box and will be championing this asap. It was the usual interesting and engaging session I have come to expect from Tony.

Homefield College

  • Hit the nail on the head.
  • Format of development plan to enable improved information – less restrictive and reward of completion so document doesn’t get larger. Ensuring that you are getting to the root cause rather than just trying to deal with the symptom.
  • The training was delivered with clear enthusiasm, which further improved the learning experience. Good combination of input, practice and reflection.

Hull College

  • Like arriving at the top of a mountain to finally get the most fantastic view – a clear view, no background noise.
  • Looking for clarity to identify the root cause rather than focussing on symptoms.
  • The skilled use of zoom as a presentation tool with Prezi overlay, shortcut buttons, using wikis etc is a whole training course in itself. Fantastic delivery.
  • Today was a reflective experience.

Kingston Maurward College

  • Sharpening the saw!
  • Really useful to reflect on the current plan and how to avoid common issues that don’t facilitate rapid improvement e.g. symptoms not issues, end point data etc.
  • Our new QIP process will use similar format to one shared with each ‘issue’ becoming a project for a project manager (champion) to take on … before putting it in a celebration (impact) file.
  • Loved to see some of the advanced Zoom techniques being used. I am googling how to have a transparent presentation next to me on screen! I am keen to work with the team on self-assessment process more and may well engage some or all in future sessions. Thanks Tony.

Learning and Enterprise College Bexley

  • Be more mindful of the masking words and finding the root cause.
  • The blended delivery was working well for me as it was difficult to travel on this occasion. Tony skilfully switched between participants and I felt included.

Nottingham College

  • Like picking at a scab when you are child. Picking and picking until finally it peels off to uncover ….. (a great feel of satisfaction).
  • Adding ‘however’ to strengths – but not including what you need to do to improve.

OxfordSaudia Flight Academy

  • Going from ‘standing’ on my head to standing on my feet.
  • Shift the focus to finding the issues, instead of focusing on the symptoms.
  • I’ll need to go through the process with a colleague to ensure I’m focusing on issues, not symptoms.
  • A great session with great ideas. Thank you Tony. I am new to this position, so it’s all part of the learning process for me. Using an effective development plan will massively improve the assessment of “symptoms” and “issues”, which I will communicate with other departments.

Peterborough College

  • Lots to take on board.
  • Moving text to appendix on SAR. Issues and symptoms. Layout of QIP – well paced with lots of activities. I enjoyed it. Need to apply to this year’s documents. Good working with other colleges.

Skills and Education Group

  • ‘Worth its weight in gold’!
  • Lots to change…. the wording of ‘responsibility’ to ‘champion’; linking symptoms to root-cause issues; putting everyone in the college central, either directly or indirectly, to the learner’s success.
  • Looking at the insight to development plans. This will help us to train staff in the understanding of how best to writer their development plan in the future.

Solihull College

  • I now have a much clearer idea about how to address symptoms when writing QIPs.
  • The day was really well scheduled and managed. I cannot think of any improvements.

The Oxford Partnership (Saudi Arabia)

  • Now I can differentiate between issues and symptoms and suggest solutions accordingly.
  • It help me to understand the wobble moments and how to work on the root causes of the symptoms and work on these indicators to write objectives.
  • It helped me climb another milestone for perfecting development plan writing and also I caught a golden fish by getting my hands on your development plan – its so awesome!
  • A new idea is the spark that lights an eternal flame.
  • The development form shared is very useful and practical organizing the information and targets to meet the objectives.
  • Excellent.
  • I would like to change the perspective of only working on weakness but focus on strengths and become champion.
  • Self dissection.
  • I will be better able to explore and assess my development plans in future. And will be able to resolve symptoms and identify their root cause issue.
  • Differentiate between symptom and issues.
  • Sailing exploring new land.
  • Thank you for the rich session.


  • It was like walking through a secret garden with so many wonderful ideas and anecdotes through the day. Thank you!
  • I feel that practice will help me reflect on what I have learnt today for this training.
  • The ability to really check how are we improving the learner experience – we normally focus on quick solutions at surface level but the actions needed to deeper understand what is required to drive improvement by focussing on the root cause is fascinating. Too often we review the effect, rather than the cause when suggesting improvements.

Wirral Metropolitan College

  • The QIP slate has been wiped clean.
  • Change QIP to a series of Development Plans.
  • Really enjoyable and completely changed my attitude towards quality improvement planning and processes.

York College

  • The little boy has his finger in the hole but he needs to rebuild the dyke!
  • It gave me an insight into your ideas about this topic and it will help me in my task of changing the college. As discussed with Tony, I am learning from him and hope to share/collaborate as part of York’s journey to a new way of doing QI.
  • It was brilliant.


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