Perfecting Progress Reviews

Click here for an overview of the training.
Click each provider’s name to see a detailed list of impact on staff.

Adult Education Wolverhampton

  • Eye opening.
  • Give our students the wings to fly themselves.
  • Refreshing and inspirational.
  • Use the … to encourage student contributions. Get the student to summarise the talk. Develop expert independent learning skills.
  • This session has encouraged me to use prompts instead of leading questions to create independence in my learners and encourage self-reflection.

Askham Bryan College

  • Make changes!!
  • Allow the student to make their own progress report with my support. Follow up on this – roleplay. Fantastic!!
  • Great delivery that looks critically at expected inspection ideologies.
  • Opened the curtains.
  • I really enjoyed it! Not confrontational but got everyone involved.

Barnet and Southgate College

  • Today was like walking along a sandy beach and finding interesting shells to take home and finish covering my gift box for my personal tutors and students.
  • It’s provided me with a springboard to set standards for our progress reviews, instead of looking at just the process. I tend to focus too much on the process. Also I felt the way you designed and delivered your session was very developmental and I will take you techniques on board.

Calderdale College

  • Enlightening.
  • Like moving from A-B with a blindfold that has been removed so we can see the whole journey.
  • The “…” Discussion hit home – create an environmental where the learner can lead the discussion.
  • A reminder to look wider and focus on barrier removal.
  • I have learnt new ways of completing the reviews ensuring learners are taking the lead in the discussions and more autonomous.
  • I’m a believer.

Cheshire College South & West

  • I learnt a lot about the review process and began to question if our review sheets need to change.
  • Enjoyed the session, very interactive.
  • A jar of marbles sums up the session for me. At the start of the day my jar was empty and at the end it was full.
  • The icing on the cake! (In a positive manner!)
  • I liked the interactive parts of the course as it means you are not just sitting there for three hours. For once, I didn’t lose track or feel bored. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. I often find that training sessions never give practical tips, just reading out knowledge of what they want us to do. It really helps when proper examples are included that are totally relevant to what we are doing on a daily basis. If I can’t relate to the training then I find it hard to get involved.

Chesterfield College

  • Pleasantly tired from all the ideas and enthusiastic about the future!!
  • Music to the soul.
  • Use of curious questions to draw out learner with no agenda.
  • Loved the use of the video for this session.
  • Help staff develop ‘language’ of mastering curious questions…
  • Crossing a river.

City College Peterborough

  • Metamorphosis of a chrysalis to a butterfly. Transformative!
  • Scrapping what Ofsted are looking for and it being a tick-box exercise for them, and creating a standard that is learner specific. Looking at the Organisation’s aspiration for achieving ‘outstanding’ by collating emotional and academic evidence. Changing terminology to actually mean something to the learner and demonstrating ‘rich pedagogy’.

City College Plymouth

  • Achieving creativity.
  • Thinking about who should be present during a review. Rather than go by a checklist, develop a high quality example for staff.

East Coast College

  • Inspired to complete more meaningful progress reviews.
  • Thought provoking. Not used the GROW model before so interesting to see this.
  • Like a soap opera, looking forward to the next episode.
  • I think the structure of our reviews needs to change to allow us to focus on the important things rather than ticking boxes for Ofsted/funding.
  • It was like having a window opened up on what I do. Very revealing and a breath of fresh air!
  • The lightbulb moment.
  • Thanks Tony – A really useful session – I particularly enjoyed the way you broke down the video clip into a range of different activities and will be stealing this for future sessions if I can get my head around the Zoom breakout room and whiteboard!

East Kent College

  • Student led reviews are the way forward. The person that talks the most gets the most from the experience!
  • We will be looking at developing our paperwork to try and focus not so much on the stuff but rather on the difference.
  • Very engaging. Tony is an expert at what he does and clearly explains things so everyone understands. Nice to have training relevant to exactly what is happening in the sector.


  • My journey opened up new horizons.
  • Creating a quality standard that would encourage independent learning management.
  • Tony gave space for and encouraged contributions throughout the session. He valued opinions and views made by the group.


  • This identified that progress reviews will be a cultural change and not a procedural change.
  • A great session. Very informative
  • Get the learner engaged more
  • Let the learner lead in a review
  • Well presented and interesting. An excellently delivered subject.

Hopwood Hall College

  • Today was the start of a journey to empower my learners to take ownership and identify their own strengths and areas for development.
  • Be more specific but subtle and encourage learners to take ownership of their own reviews and progress, to take the initiative.
  • Insightful. I will consider the questions I use during tutorials and plan them better before they take place.
  • Reassured me that we can make a difference.
  • Less focus on ticking boxes and allowing for a more natural conversation to flow.
  • Engaging, interesting informative. Excellent presenter.
  • I really enjoyed taking part in the Jamboards and Breakout Rooms.

JTL Training

  • I think for me it would be the lightbulb moment of understanding that the main focus and goal of my job is making the difference to a learners life and not just their apprenticeship experience.
  • Time well spent. Clear, engaging and thought provoking.
  • It taught me about how to be more present in the moment, worrying less about statistics and more about knowing you are making an impact on the learner and as long as progress is made and they gain fulfilment, that is enough!
  • Pace was excellent.
  • Thank you Tony for your time and making us feel welcome and valued.
  • It was really engaging, the right mix of theory, discussion and group tasks (including the Jamboard) kept my interest for the entire session. Thank you!

MTC Training

  • New assessment strategies to make the learners actually learn and be self-critical and evaluative.
  • A new perspective: making the learners independent which is the actual meaning of learning and gaining knowledge.
  • Climbing to the ‘top-deck’ of the assessment ship.
  • I will definitely build in more informative assessment activities as a basis for my lessons rather than shoe-horning in.
  • Really enjoyed this session – a good reminder to step back and keep it simple.
  • Building for a more varied world.

Myerscough College

  • Perfecting progress reviews. ‘It’s coming home’.
  • Like floating across a ‘Red Carpet’ and enjoying the journey.
  • Music to my ears.
  • I will approach reviews with a new method and look more towards tackling the barriers that students face.
  • It has helped me to look at different ways to improve my progress reviews. I will now work towards making the students take ownership of their review and help them to look at targets on our college system.
  • How to softly approach topics, what to do/not to do.

North West Training Council

  • It made me feel enlightened.
  • Think it’s great! Thanks Tony.
  • Steak and Chips (Tasty)
  • Approach my progress reviews with less of an emphasis on a tick box exercise and more focus on handing the review to the teacher.
  • Excellent.

Northern Trains Ltd

  • I don’t currently do progress reviews but the development of quality standards that focus on the best outcome and can be used to reflect on performance are really useful and inspiring for my other programmes.
  • Great discussion around agreeing what good progress reviews look like.
  • Refreshed my knowledge and understanding how reviews can be conducted.
  • Discuss with my colleagues how we can improve our progress reviews. I will personally think about my questioning techniques in my reviews.
  • Inspirational.

Nottingham College

  • Transformational.
  • Mindset changing and a different idea of reviews. I would like to be more open-ended in my progress reviews.
  • Uplifting and informative.
  • It tore up some of the old myths around what used to be a good progress review.
  • Refreshing to see a different approach which works for learner rather than tick box for quality!

NPTC Consortium of Work-based Providers

  • I love listening to Tony- he is a fountain of knowledge and the sessions are so informative. Thank you for all of the hard work you have put into this. It has been invaluable to me in my role, especially being new and not from an assessor background.
  • No words- best session to date. Defiantly do my reviews separate with the learner and the employer to draw more out of the learner.
  • It’s my mission to improve the way in which I approach the review process.
  • I’ll need to make more use of open-ended statements and questioning, to enable the feedback to come from the learner and less from myself.
  • Frustrated – with myself. I do everything that I should do with my learners the majority of the time, but I do not record all of it, as it is time-consuming, and therefore I do not use the reviews on smart assessor correctly. From now on, I will make a conscious effort to include more of our discussion on the forms to evidence this.
  • Inspired and positive. Will allocate more time to my reviews to ensure I’m spending enough time with student.
  • Thank you for the last 4 sessions. Great delivery style and lots to think about.

NPTC Group of Colleges

  • EXCELLENT course which kept us engaged fully!!!
  • A deep dive into the field of progress reviews, splashing out my previous thoughts and feelings, allowing brand new ideas to flow forth!
  • Incredibly informative and interesting training with the right balance of activities and engagement with speaker – the best CPD event I have attended !!
  • Stage one: slow sheep, Stage two: curious cat, Stage three: enthusiastic border collie.
  • I will be using the GROW model to carry out future reviews and make sure that they are more learner lead.
  • Attitude: invested in the process. Action: plan to elicit difference and not focus on process.
  • I have really enjoyed all of the sessions I have attended, and will be recommending them to my colleagues.

Quest Training

  • Information and examples can clear the murky waters.
  • This session has totally made me re think the systems and process we have in place in my setting and how we can change our focus moving forward.
  • It certainly helped me to re think our review process, we will now develop our own standards with our team and change the paperwork we have in place.
  • It was a great session and it’s always lovely when you hear other peoples’ ideas and how they use the reviews etc.
  • I will certainly be attending more of your sessions. It’s lovely to have someone who is enthusiastic about what you teach.

Reaseheath College

  • A sea of inspiration.
  • I wished it could have been longer. It is one of the best uses of zoom and presenting I have seen and it kept me engaged in the topic.
  • Excellent, very practical.

RNN College Group

  • Motivated to make change.
  • I am keen to explore how some of the ideas today can be moulded to use around the current structure I have to abide by. There were lots of helpful tips to make the process more meaningful and to support a move away from ‘stuff’.
  • I think the session was really well structured. I think I have a range of new tools in my toolkit, I just need time and scope to try a few out.

Solihull college

  • I love your style, you are different and engaging.
  • I am bubbling with excitement for my reviews.
  • Reviews are the most powerful tool we have to empower a leaner and raise the standard.
  • Several points that should be obvious, but are often difficult to put into practice, so useful to reflect.
  • Playtime in an art room.
  • As a new assessor I have been focussed on the tick boxes but I have good communication and motivational skills so I need to chill out and use them effectively.
  • The approach to the training session was refreshing and engaging. Would love the college to do a day on the Assessment and the Art of Lazy Teaching for our next staff development.

Suffolk New College

  • My next progress review can’t come quick enough.
  • Deliver group progress review sessions to build on learners’ communication skills, reflective skills and team building. To also ensure I am ‘passing the talking stick’ more often.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the session and took a lot from it.
  • Thank you for such an inspiring afternoon, I think I took 6 pages of notes with some fantastic one liners..

Stretford Grammar School

  • Absolutely fantastic. I actually feel quite energised.
  • Approach to progress reviews will be different.
  • Great event – worthwhile on every level.


  • Really beneficial session, I am new to the education world so it was really useful.
  • Readying revolutionary, rigorous, robust reviews are recommended and a revelation.
  • Change my approach to progress meetings.
  • Provided me with a clear focus on how to enhance our current review process focussing on the impact on the individual.
  • Really great session, engaging really enjoyed the observation section this gave me a chance to practice my listening skills.

The Oxford Partnership (Saudi Arabia)

  • Your art work is a master piece only you can sometimes see. Perfecting progress reviews is what you and your team (students) want your masterpiece to look like, and the difference you want to make to help them become that artist.
  • It was an inspirational lesson as always, focusing on letting the learner have autonomy of her learning, in a very conscious way.
  • The slides were brilliant.
  • Fantastic. I will do this more frequently to improve my students performance and making them more independent.
  • The video analysis and discussion was so helpful realizing how it need to be done.
  • Enlightening.
  • I am feeling UP.


  • Like climbing a mountain, reaching the top you get a great sense of achievement.
  • Need to meet with other leads to discuss changes that will better reflect learner aspirations, progress, development etc.. Thank you for a great session.
  • An enjoyable experience. How to encourage learners to take ownership of the progress.
  • I enjoyed the use of the interactive resources.
  • An exciting session, very interactive.
  • It was good to compare our work/ideas with other providers’ ideas.
  • Excellently thought provoking – Excited for the difference it will make.
  • Particularly like the barrier identification. Really inspiring session, thank you.

Trafford College

  • Really informative session.

Wirral Metropolitan College

  • Really informative session and has given me lots of food for thought. I will view my performance reviews now in a new light and thought it was a excellent session – got to be the best online teaching session I’ve ever witnessed! Thank you
  • Enjoyed the session! Lots to take in!
  • An excellent and thought provoking session. Useful active listening skills and notion of putting the learner at the heart of the review. Not just a process but actually making a difference. looking forward to discovering further with my team.
  • Thanks for the clear guidelines in focusing on what is important when carrying out the progress review and what yardstick to measure.
  • Atomic view of a high performance engine.
  • I am new to progress reviews and am due to complete my first reviews on Friday. This will enable me to plan and prepare and make these student centred. I will check out the resources on your website.
  • Another superb session, enlightening & thought provoking.


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