The CCQI Self-Assessment Strategy

Click here for an overview of the training.
Click each provider’s name to see a detailed list of impact on staff.

Abingdon & Witney College

  • I can see clearly now the EIF has gone!
  • Now I have a tried and tested strategy to presents to my colleagues.

Blackburn House

  • I feel that the session today will help me to develop improved quality systems as well as the self assessment process.
  • I will look to change the format of the SAR and the process that we go through to arrive at the judgements.

Bury College

  • Big conversation captured on a simple form.

Buxton & Leek College

  • Going on a walk and reaching a fabulous view point.
  • Will try again to ensure there is an ongoing process. Like the idea of ‘Champions’, rather than ‘responsible’. Will use the idea of the learner journey as the basis of the self-assessment process rather than the EIF.

City College Peterborough

  • It was like dancing in the rain rather than wading through mud.
  • Identifying the ‘symptoms’ before getting down to the ‘issue’ Go down the rabbit hole and keep digging.

College of West Anglia

  • Yes certainly! I think the potential to increase staff confidence with Self-assessment, whilst eliminating fear of the process will be powerful.
  • I know feedback with suggestions is always helpful, but I think the sessions have been great as they are. There have been a variety of tasks throughout the series of the sessions and I’ve had the opportunity to meet/network with some lovely, like minded people. I’ve really enjoyed every session.

Debut Training Academy

  • Excited to have had this learning today.
  • I don’t use my however correctly. I always say what we are going to do and not just leave that for the QIP. I wish it was longer.

Grimsby Institute

  • Valuable
  • The session presented a range of considerations and processes to consider in relation to re-developing our self-assessment procedure, particularly around working with staff to get to the root cause of issues.

Leeds Arts University

  • I’ve got my head stuck in the sleeve of a jumper. It was someone else’s jumper and it didn’t really feel like it fit but I probably should’ve started putting the jumper on sooner. I can see the light down the sleeve but it’s going to mean changing the jumper design whilst wearing it. Also, we need to go on a diet but it’s not about eating less it about making good choices about what we put in and understanding why?
  • I really hadn’t though about comparative data sets – revelation.

Leicestershire Adult Learning Service

  • It felt like I was given the key to the secret world of writing SARs!
  • The importance of the SAR thinking process to guide organisational development plans. The importance of knowing what the issues are and how comparative data sets can help you to understand what is happening in your organisation.

Liverpool Adult Learning Service

  • A ray of sunshine through a dark cloud 🙂
  • This was really good individual feedback and support given throughout. Very enjoyable.
  • Basing it [self-assessment] on issues/root causes and learner journey.
  • Enlightenment is mine… ‘however’. Today I heard the click!
  • Hopefully we will have a better system – identifying root causes and actions to improve – more systematic approach. Hopefully more effective!

Michael John Training (Manchester)

  • Total change, from PR to evaluation.
  • The light bulb that was switched on has just burned brighter!
  • Click – lightbulb!

OxfordSaudia Flight Academy

  • Can’t be more impressed! Changing a long, dull, time-consuming, & painful process into a learning journey broken down into several steps & stages with simple yet effective tools & resources.
  • A great sense of relief! A clear, honest, inclusive, and impactful approach. Linking all elements of this approach to our entire quality process. I have a clear understand and vision of how to contextualise it to our model. Keep up the great work and thank you!

Quest Training

  • This has been really useful to help give me ideas to take back to my company to try to look at self assessment in new light.
  • Fantastic session Tony, Great resources to support the session and further reading.

Retrofit Academy

  • Great session and lots of takeaways which I hope to implement. “Why is that then” will be used as a staple within our SAR’s in the future.
  • Really enjoyed the session and I will be booking on again and as we spoke will be adding my colleagues to future sessions.

Shift Media

  • De-layering an onion without crying 🙂
  • I liked understanding how to stay with a perceived problem to a solution – so no ducking out of it.
  • Waves of enlightenment!
  • It helped develop my understanding of SA. I will change the way I approach it – delving deeper to the root causes and always putting the learner at the centre.

Skills and Education Group delegates

  • Going on a walk and reaching a fabulous view point.
  • I was blind, but now I see.

Stockport College

  • Stunningly simple approach to self assessment.
  • My 2 dimensional SAR glasses have been modified to 3D.
  • It has given me a totally different view and understanding, as if I am on the outside looking in.
  • Brilliant session, thank you. It will change what I do and how I do it.

Sussex Downs College

  • Blue sky opening up after a dark, wet morning!!
  • It feels like we are getting there!
  • A dream of shimmering visions and opaque water with limbs strong, but the land not yet in view. Excited about the work, but anxious about the task of introducing it to the team whilst giving them ownership.
  • Excellent stimulus material and a fantastic working environment. Challenging and enjoyable.

Sussex Downs College – support staff

  • Opening a door to ‘let in’, rather than closing a door to ‘shut out’.
  • Enlightened! Really proud of the work we have started so far.
  • Steep hill, but it was worth it!
  • Vroom! We are off!

The Oxford Partnership (Saudi Arabia)

  • Invigorating experience. Stimulating, got me thinking about aspects I never paid attention to before.
  • It helped me realize that there is a solution for everything if we follow the process in its true spirit.

Trafford College

  • Be prepared to be comfortable with being uncomfortable! Learnt a lot today and now my brain hurts.
  • The presentation style – using Zoom and the adapted Prezi is really clear and easy to follow.

Warrington & Vale Royal College

  • The depth of the rabbit hole will be as deep as the discussion it took to get there!
  • I will definitely be asking Curriculum Managers: “So why is that then?”

Wirral Council Lifelong Learning Service

  • I went to see a man about a dog, but I saw the dog!!
  • Thanks, very useful and will change how we do our SAR & QIP & the service.
  • Team needs to change our system significantly to make self assessment dynamic, useful & questioning.
  • Small group session was particularly effective, I thought.

Yeovil College

  • Thought-provoking. Creative.
  • Structure of the learner journey. Using low level data. Getting to the root-cause of issues as well as causes of outstanding areas. Design of development plans.

York College

  • That feeling when you get new glasses and realise things have been a little out of focus for some time!
  • We have the bare bones of this but we need to find a way to keep the SAR live rather than just the QIP. Currently Improvement Plan is revisited regularly but the Self -assessment element is an annual event, largely conducted by managers. We need a better approach to incorporating individual tutor voices throughout the year.


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