The Learning Theories Research Group

I’m putting together a small research team of people interested in Learning Theories. If you’re interested in joining the group, then do please message me. I’d also be extremely grateful if you would consider forwarding this post to anyone you think might be interested in finding out a little more about the project. I can imagine this would be of particular interest to those involved in teacher education.
Why am I doing this? First, ask yourself how much you can remember of the Learning Theorists’ work. Next, ask how much of their work influences yours or your staff’s daily teaching. Finally ask, is the study of the learning theorists mainly to pass a teaching qualification, and then forgotten?
For my own part, I’m sure some of their work must have slipped in through osmosis during my Cert Ed, 30 years ago, but you wouldn’t want me on your quiz team…
But following the successful gamification of assessment practice in the session Assessment & the Art of Lazy Teaching, I’m now keen to use the same approach to see if we can produce something I’m grandly calling: ‘A Unified Theory of Learning’. Ultimately, the gamification would turn the learning theories into practical strategies for discrete aspects of provision, and hopefully, not just for new teachers.
What would you be committing to? Initially, just to find out a little more about this project, but hopefully, to lend your expertise to the design and/or just the review of the games’ content.
In return, all members of the research group with take away materials they could use with their own teams.
So if Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Humanism are terms you know well, then do please get in touch. I think it could be a very rewarding process for all involved. And it’s happening right now, so please don’t delay.
Many thanks for reading. Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes
PS It’s a rather provocative image, don’t you think..?
Potentially interested 🙂
Many thanks for getting in touch, Darren. I’ve added you to the preliminary interest list and will send on more details very soon. Best wishes, Tony.
Definitely interested, but have limited time at the minute!
Happy to be involved.
Sounds interesting. Very happy to find out more.
Definitely interested!
Am a Teacher Educator and interested in being involved in the project if not too late?
Curiosity definitely piqued. Would be very interested to find out more.